What's It All About, Eh?

 Hello there, reader. I'm Robin St. John. You probably know nothing about me, so allow me to explain who I am.

I am...

  • An electronic musician (A very bad one)
  • A cynic
  • A synthesizer 'enthusiast' and keyboardist
  • A wannabe British person
  • A hater of all things modern
  • A disliker of acoustic instruments
  • A hater of digital instruments
  • A lover of analog instruments
  • A hater of Ta- ... woah, don't think I should go there.
  • A hater of Kanye
  • A hater of Marshmello 
  • Okay, I'll stop the 'lover/hater of X' pattern now
  • A wannabe music critic (This is the most important part!)
  • A Duke Nukem 3D player
  • A guy who takes music seriously... maybe even too seriously.
I'm a lot of things, actually. Can't be bothered to list them all.

Anyway, as you've probably guessed by using your eyes, I intend to review music, either positively, negatively, or something in between. Here I am thinking I'm the NME or something. 

Of course, I'm not a pseudointellectual like Anthony Fantano (what a bellend.) or anyone who chronically uses Reddit, so I'm not going to pretend for even a second that you should really take my opinions to heart or base any of your opinions on mine because you have trouble thinking for yourself — seriously, reader, don't be that kind of guy. Read me to have a laugh and not to find out if something is good or not; I'm very opinionated when it comes to music. Listen to what I review for yourself and make your own conclusion. You are you; I am me. I hope I've made myself as clear as possible.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy my reviews.

BLEACHED TO STERILITY - Self-Titled Album by Bleachers

  This one was recommended to me by a friend of mine, who I'll only refer to as H.F. Bleachers (the bleachers? i dunno) have been around...